11 July 2023 – 10:30 am
at the DAL – Digital Automation Lab of the Foundation REI.
Via Sicilia, 21 – Reggio Emilia
In-depht, event and presentation of our new Virtual Terminal Lab, wich arises from the need of implement manufacturers to have an initial feedback on the connection of their device to the video terminals installed on the main tractor brand in circulation.
Participation is free, we ask registration at the following link.
In the first part of the morning we will discuss topics on agricultural mechanics with members of the IDEAGRI network and experts. In the afternoon, those interested can book a free test in the laboratory by writing to Simone Zamboni, Head of the ISOBUS laboratory. (zamboni@reinnova.it)
10.30 am
Welcome and introduction
Fausto Mazzali – President of Comacomp
Intelligence in the agricultural cycle
Antonio Salvaterra – Argo Tractors
The implement talks to the tractor
Giuseppe Talarico – COBO Group
From 0 to ISOBUS
Lorenzo Selvatici – SELVATICI SRL
The image measures
Gino Mainardi – COBO Group
VT test bench
toolmaker to support
Alberto Basi – Salvarani SrL
12.30 – 13.30 pm – Light Lunch
The digitalized farm
Pier Alberto Gobbo – Gobbo AG-Service Agricultural Company
14.30 – 16.30 pm
Slot reservation: zamboni@reinnova.it