The event is promoted by Rete IDEAGRI, a consortium of Italian companies created to promote ISOBUS technology and to explore issues related to agricultural mechanics.

The initiative is organized under the patronage of Federunacoma and aims to create an opportunity for discussion between participants and industry experts, who will speak on thematic trends such as the value of digitization today and the importance of data and images in agricultural processing of all the world.



After an initial part of presentations and testimonials, the new test bench of the Virtual Terminals installed on the main brands of ISOBUS tractors on the market will be unveiled, in support of implement manufacturers. Here, interested parties will be able to connect their tools (object-pool), verify their proper functioning and evaluate the possible solution in case of communication problems.

This represents a unique opportunity in the area, from a technical and logistical point of view: toolmakers and component makers will be able to check if the connection between the tractor and their implement Virtual Terminal is effective and in just one appointment establish the connection with several brands of tractors.



After the workshop, from the early afternoon, it will be possible to book a free test slot to have a first approach to the connection with the test bench terminals.

For reservations, the contact is that of the Head of the ISOBUS Laboratory in Reggio Emilia, Ing. Simone Zamboni:



Download the press release HERE

Registration and agenda HERE

IDEAGRI website



Press contact

Michela Capretti

0522 268200

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